Take an exhilarating dip into the world of wild swimming with a guided session led by our local Dales Dipper, straight from your pod door at Peaks and Pods.

Our local area is full of wonderful wild swimming spots and breathtaking waterfalls and the Dales Dipper Les will share his knowledge and expertise with you. He’ll make sure you’re safe during your swim, pass on wild swimming tips, and caters for all abilities.

Experiences include:

  • Intro session – one hour of wild swimming in a river
  • Light em up dip – an illuminated waterfall dip at night
  • Half day dipping experience – dip in all the best waterfalls (up to six people)
  • Full day dipping experience – leisurely dipping experience, including meals and illuminated waterfall dip

Les will happily create a wonderful wild swimming experience to suit your needs and he’ll arrange to meet you at Peaks and Pods, so finding these amazing swimming spots will be easy. Sessions must be pre-arranged and you’ll find Les’s contact details and more information on his website at: Dales Dippers – thedalesdipper.co.uk/. Don’t forget to tell Les that you’ll be a guest at Peaks and Pods.

Les also has a great Facebook page, where you can follow his wild water adventures – facebook.com/thedalesdipper

If you’re lucky, Les will bring some of his wife Jen’s delicious chocolate brownies – a real treat after a refreshing dip!